Do you know how to call the parts of the body in Italian? If you still don’t know it, in this video I will talk about it in detail.
Hello, I’m Maria and I’m a teacher of Italian, English, and Spanish. Today I am in a different location, in fact, I am in the mountains in my grandparents’ old house and I thought of talking to you today about the parts of the body.
So let’s start with the face:
il sopracciglio, gli occhi, la palpebra, le ciglia, l’iride, la pupilla, il naso, la narice, la bocca, le labbra, il mento, il collo.
Now let’s move on to the rest of the body:
la testa, i capelli, il braccio, la mano, il gomito, il petto, la pancia, la gamba, il ginocchio, il piede, il tallone, la schiena.